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Woody Herbicide

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    For control of a range of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds as specified below:
    High Volume Spraying:
    Agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way:

    – African boxthorn
    – Angophora spp.
    – Australian blackthorn
    – Banksia spp.
    – Biddy Bush (Chinese shrub) (Sifton bush)
    – Blackberry in association with: Docks
    – Ragwort
    – Smartweed
    – Thistles
    – Blue heliotrope
    – Brooms: (Cape English Flax leaf Montpellier)
    – Camphor laurel
    – Casuarina spp.
    – Chinee apple
    – Cockspur thorn
    – Common sensitive plant
    – Crofton weed
    – Eastern cotton bush (Maireana microphylla)
    – Eucalyptus spp.
    – Galenia
    – Giant bramble
    – Gorse
    – Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia)
    – Green cestrum
    – Hawthorn
    – Horehound
    – Japanese sunflower
    – Lantana (Lantana camera) (Lantana montevidensis)
    – Lion tail (Leonatis nepetifolia)
    – Limebush
    – Manuka
    – Mesquite (Prosopis spp.)
    – Prosopis velutina
    – Mistflower
    – Mother-of-millions
    – Paddy’s lucerne
    – Parkinsonia
    – Prickly Pear (common)
    – Smooth tree pear
    – Rubber vine (Not infected with rust)
    – Siam weed
    – Sicklepod
    – St John’s wort
    – Sweet briar
    – Tobacco weed
    – Wattle (Acacia spp.)(except corkwood wattle)
    – Wild rosemary (Cassinia laevis)
    – Wild tobacco tree

    Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques
    Agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, pastures and rights-of-way

    – Blackberry
    – Camphor laurel
    – Cockspur thorn
    – Crofton weed
    – Eucalyptus species
    – Mistflower
    – Sweet briar
    – St John’s wort
    – Wild tobacco tree

  • Directions for use

    Refer to the Apparent Woody Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.

  • Inclusions

    300 g/L Triclopyr & 100 g/L Picloram

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